How Fresh is Your Coffee?
If you are buying your coffee right off the grocery store shelf in bulk, then you may be in trouble. The truth of the matter is that for your coffee to have the best taste, flavor, and aroma, then it needs to be completely fresh. You cannot purchase it in the same consumer way that you would bulk flour because of the fact that it will go stale within two weeks of being roasted. The odds are even worse for you if it is freshly ground because you only have a few hours before it starts to go stale. This means that if you are buying coffee directly off of your grocery store shelf, then it has been stocked up for months at a time, and the flavor quality is low. Coffee is something that needs to be seen and valued with the maximum freshness and perishable quality so that you can only have the best taste in your cup of Joe. Your coffee is best enjoyed directly after it is roasted, so it is recommended that you purchase from online retailers that actually will freshly roast the day that they s...