
Dieng volcano complex is located in the central highlands of Java, Indonesia. For several centuries volcanic activity at Dieng has been dominated by phreatic eruptions, and geothermal activity (fumaroles, solfataras, mud pools, hot springs). Dieng volcano is noted for the release of carbon dioxide, which sometimes results in fatalities to residents. Carbon dioxide emission can destroy the surrounding vegetation and local people are aware of "death valleys".The volcano is composed of two stratovolcanoes (Butak Petarangan and Dieng) and many craters. Warm acidic lakes fill some of the craters. Volcanic cones at Dieng include the following - Bismo, Srojo, Binem, Pangonan, Merdodo, Pagerkandang, Nogosari, Petarangan, Telogo Dringo, Pakuwaja,Kendil, Kunir and Prambanan.Fumarole areas - Kawah Sikidang, Kawah Sigajah, Kawah Kumbang, Kawah Sibanteng, Kawah Upas,Telogo Terus, Kawah Pagerkandang, Kawah Sipandu, Kawah Siglagah and Kawah Sileri. Butak Petarangan is the second volcano lo...