Seplawan Cave, Purworejo

Goa Seplawan located in the Village Donorejo, District Kaligesing with distance, 20 km to the East from the center of Purworejo with a height of 700 m dpl so that the air is very cool. Goa has a special characteristic ornaments found in the cave, among others staklatit, staklamit, flowstone, helekit, soda straw, gower dam walls and wall-like framework berornamen fish. The length of cave Seplawan + 700 m with branches cave around 150-300 m and 15 m. berdiameter Goa is very natural that this became even more stunning with the famous golden statue diketemukannya Dewa Dewi Syiwa and seberat 1.5 kg on 28 August 1979 the statue is now kept in the National Museum Jakarta. Other places that also related to the history of Goa is Purworejo District Seplawan, which is located in the area of the Village Donorejo, District Kaligesing. Goa is a special-called because in a Prasasti Wood Arahiwang. In the inscription is clearly mentioned that one of the places that must be maintained because the purit...