
Showing posts from May 17, 2009

Seplawan Cave, Purworejo

Goa Seplawan located in the Village Donorejo, District Kaligesing with distance, 20 km to the East from the center of Purworejo with a height of 700 m dpl so that the air is very cool. Goa has a special characteristic ornaments found in the cave, among others staklatit, staklamit, flowstone, helekit, soda straw, gower dam walls and wall-like framework berornamen fish. The length of cave Seplawan + 700 m with branches cave around 150-300 m and 15 m. berdiameter Goa is very natural that this became even more stunning with the famous golden statue diketemukannya Dewa Dewi Syiwa and seberat 1.5 kg on 28 August 1979 the statue is now kept in the National Museum Jakarta. Other places that also related to the history of Goa is Purworejo District Seplawan, which is located in the area of the Village Donorejo, District Kaligesing. Goa is a special-called because in a Prasasti Wood Arahiwang. In the inscription is clearly mentioned that one of the places that must be maintained because the purit...

Pasir Puncu Beach, Purworejo

Twenty-two kilometers from the city or Purworejo eleven kilometers from the city Kutoarjo District to the south, precisely in Hardjobinangun and Ketawang District Grabag, we can enjoy a charming tour Puncu and Sand Beach Ketawang. This region has a distinctive charm with the panoramic view of South Beach Sea and captivating. Travel to the area quite enthralling. Kutoarjo from the city, along the way tourists can see many beautiful and unique natural Purworejo a carpet of rice field in the left-right side of the road and a series of mountains Geger Menjangan stunning. Travel akan feel increasingly short because of the way to tour the area planted to various types of shady trees, such as Java and Mahoni acid. Cool this seems to give a new feel of the felt, so that no tourists have entered the gate area is the beach tourism. At the gate this is the amount of tourists akan with two sandy road, where the road to the left of the beach sand and Puncu Beach Road to the right with the distance ...

Geger Menjangan, Purworejo

Regions Geger Menjangan is a natural area tourism, the main object of many visitors is the beauty dinimkati Purworejo City and South Beach are seen from a height of top of the hill. In addition, the area still Geger Menjangan offers some object other recreation, the children's game parks, a swimming pool and table bilyard. Swimming pool and fishing parks located in the entrance area. Bilyard tables are located in the top of the hill. Treat more devoted to the subject is young minicross arena, rock climbing and general location of the various shows. Arena minicross a wide area with the contours of the land is very challenging. In these locations can also be used for general performance. Moderate climb tebih has been made permanent with the construction of steel berketinggian 15 meters. Looking from the natural beauty of the panorama that is the height of the area offered. Beauty that can be enjoyed with a very low cost and easy to reach. The beauty of the panorama is the principal o...

Bedung Pendowo Purworejo

Purworejo, a city district in Central Java region of Indonesia,have a Charakteristik cultural areas of interest. Community-friendly variety of delicious dishes and places for tourism in the beautiful visit. Purworejo is a historic town, many attractions that we can find in this town. One of the important legacy that is "Bedug Pendowo" which is located in the Great Mosque in Purworejo, in the middle of the city center. "Bedhug Pendowo" size is very large, and is the largest bedug in southeast asia. Napkin often met with in the "Kiai Bagelen". That's interesting Bedug Pendowo this year is pembuatannya namely in the year 1832-1840, namely the government's first Regent Purworejo Raden Cokronegoro which means I was around 170 years. Bedug Pendowo is also bedug in Indonesia and even in Southeast Asia. Bedug is made of teak with gelondongan full length 2.92 m and 1.94 m. berdiameter Many tourists and in the Foreign Affairs visited to view.

Kawah Putih, Ciweday

This place is located at an altitude of 2434 m dpl, the field configuration is generally hilly land to. The temperature around 8 - 22 0 C. water source, depending on the rainy season. Humidity 90%, while the annual rainfall recorded between 3743 - 4043 mm / year. Story and the mystery of the White crater growing from one generation to the next generation of society. Up to now they still believe that White is a crater where the spirit of the gathering ancestors. In fact, according to Karna kuncen direction the current age of ± 105 years old and live in Kampung Pasir hoe, wealthy village Mukti; crater in the cemetery there is a white ancestor, including: Keep Satru grandparent, grandparent Rangsa Sadana, Camat grandparent, grandparent Ngabai, grandparent Barabak, grandparent and grandparent Jambrong basin. One of the summit of Mount Patuha, Peak Kapuk, trusted as a meeting place of the ancestors that are led by grandparent Keep Satru. In this community a place to see (the unseen) set of ...

Curug Cilember

Wana wisata ini terdiri dari 2 ha hutan tanaman (Agathis, Rasamala dan Pinus), potensi visual lansekap menuju lokasi cukup menarik dengan pemandangan alam berupa pegunungan & perkebunan, sedangkan bentang alam/potensi visual lansekap di dalam kawasan yang mempunyai karakteristik khas adalah tegakan tanaman hutan dan panorama kota Bogor.

Mandalawangi Cibodas

WW Mandalawangi dengan luas 39,5 ha statusnya merupakan hutan produksi yang dikembangkan sebagai Bumi Perkemahan. Lokasinya sangat strategis dimana merupakan daerah tujuan wisata Cipanas – Puncak Bogor, termasuk wilayah pengelolaan hutan RPH Pacet, BKPH Gede Tikur KPH Cianjur, dan secara administratif pemerintahan termasuk Desa Rarahan Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten cianjur.