Twenty-two kilometers from the city or Purworejo eleven kilometers from the city Kutoarjo District to the south, precisely in Hardjobinangun and Ketawang District Grabag, we can enjoy a charming tour Puncu and Sand Beach Ketawang. This region has a distinctive charm with the panoramic view of South Beach Sea and captivating. Travel to the area quite enthralling. Kutoarjo from the city, along the way tourists can see many beautiful and unique natural Purworejo a carpet of rice field in the left-right side of the road and a series of mountains Geger Menjangan stunning. Travel akan feel increasingly short because of the way to tour the area planted to various types of shady trees, such as Java and Mahoni acid. Cool this seems to give a new feel of the felt, so that no tourists have entered the gate area is the beach tourism.
At the gate this is the amount of tourists akan with two sandy road, where the road to the left of the beach sand and Puncu Beach Road to the right with the distance still Ketawang each approximately 2 kilometers and 1.5 kilometers. The situation along the two roads are almost the same; the left - the right way as sugar cane plantation that is neat. Begitupula beautiful beach. South Beach with a beautiful beach break big waves and white foam. Sand beaches are Puncu has the rare distinction obtained in other places. This place is the mouth of times bamboo sprout, Kedungmacasan Times and Times Pedegolan. Third time berbapu that integrates into the mouth of the river became known as jali creates a charm that is quite rare. This condition is more beautiful when the sea water wave rolls kepantai welcome the return of river water. Fusion between the river water is muddy-colored water with a blue sea of the scenery is very beautiful.

Other interesting jobs that can be enjoyed by tourists in the beach sand Puncu on the side of the beach is a beautiful tourist boat with water in the creek tempel Jali. Puncu sand on the beach and Ketawang, tourists can witness how denganleluasa the beautiful atmosphere of sunset at the west horizon. To reach the area of tourism Puncu Sand Beach and Ketawang, tourists can use private vehicles, mini bus (Purnomo, Langgeng, and others) or use the carriage, which is always ready to serve

every need. Conditions are asphalt roads, except for 1.5 to 2 kilometers before the object. Both beaches can also be achieved through Purwodadi District, about 12 kilometers from the city Purworejo. If this is the path would be, so tourists can stay over in the first tourism Jatimalang Indah Beach yangt idak less pulling Puncu with beach sand and Ketawang. Pantai Indah Jatimalang entry in the District Purwodadi, Purworejo.
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