Merapi Phenomen

Interpreters key leader of Mount Merapi , Marijan confess get wangsit (instructions) after prayer and meditation for 2 hours 2 nights in Labuhan location, Postal II path climbing to the top of Mount Merapi . "Wangsit I receive Allah later survived. Will not happen anything in the Mount Merapi, "said the leader Marijan detikcom found at her home in Hamlet Kinahrejo, Umbulharjo Kelurahan, Kecamatan Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Thursday (18/5/2006). Marijan leader does not explain the detail of how wangsit that he received. The reason, only the mempu catch it himself. Core wangsit: Mount Merapi remain safe. "Now this Merapi are building. So we ask that the community assist with the development of Merapi is not mine to keep sand and indiscriminate Merapi remain sustainable, "he said.