
Showing posts from June 21, 2009

Secret Restaurant Recipes

We'll teach you the Jealously Guarded Secrets behind the actual dishes from Billion Dollar Restaurants, and show you how to easily make them at home. Save money and skip those long lines-get the step by step instructions for making America's most wanted recipes in your own kitchen. Impress your family and friends with exact replicas of famous pasta dishes, fried chicken and many more from your favorite restaurants. Cook dishes like the Pro's do in a matter of minutes! Save Money-just imagine the sheer amount of cash you will be able to save just by cooking these dishes yourself at home. If you just prepare these meals once per week, you will save well over $180 each month at the bare minimum. Not to mention the satisfaction you will get when people find out you made these famous dishes from your own kitchen. Each recipe is written in fine detail, right down to the exact proportions and amounts of ingredients you should use. All have been time and taste buds tested for the g...

Count your Chicken after They Hatch: Lesson Learned from My First 50 Mile Ultra Marathon by Article Manager

My first triathlon coach gave me some very wise advice regarding preparing for a race. He told me that the things that we most worry about affecting us on race day NEVER happen. Instead, it's always something that we don't expect. So far, after 12 Ironman races, about a dozen marathons, four 24 hour world record attempts and my first 80 km ultra marathon, this advice has proven to be very true. I was quite nervous going into this 50 mile (80 km) ultra marathon because it was my first shot at running farther than the standard 26.2 mile marathon distance. My right knee had been swollen and sore for about 3 weeks leading up to race day. Most of my training has been on steep hills and the constant downhill pounding really affected my right knee. Thankfully, and true to my coache's advice, my knee injury never really bothered me during the race and instead I was inflicted by something else that I never expected- I got stupid and assumed my success, counting my chickens before th...

Chicken Coop Plan Top Tips To Remember When You Build A Chicken Coop by Mark Eastley

Too many people are under the impression that chickens don̢۪t need an awful lot to be content. Granted, they don̢۪t need TVs and PCs like us humans to get through the day, but they do need some basic necessities if their new home is going to be one that is comfortable and enjoyable to live in. To say one thing is more important than another wouldn̢۪t be doing the chickens any justice. Every piece of the puzzle is important. And those pieces are numerous Your chicken coop should be strong, sturdy and impregnable. In other words, no unwanted critters should be able to get inside. It should also be warm and dry. Chickens, contrary to popular opinion, don̢۪t like the water. If you think I̢۪m kidding, try giving one a bath. You also want to make sure the coop is properly ventilated. You don̢۪t want your feathered friends suffocating inside. Make sure you build your coop so that it gets plenty of sunlight throughout the day. Also, chicken feeders should be placed so that they are easy ...

How To Build A Chicken Coop- 3 Simple Things You Need To Know When Building A Coop by Tony Smith

Building a chicken coop is easy. Especially when you have the right plan and instructions to follow. It's also one of the best ways to ensure your chickens' safety. You're probably not sure of the things you need to know before building a coop. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some tips on how to build a chicken coop. That way, you will have an idea of the size and type of house to build. The tips on building the coop are: 1. The first thing that you need to do is figure out how many chickens you want to have. You will need to build a bigger coop if you want eleven or more birds. You will need to make sure the size of the chicken house is correct for the amount of birds you want. If it's too small, your chicken won't lay their eggs properly. 2. Another tip on how to build a chicken coop is to make it according to your climate. Think about the weather. You want to make sure you build the right chicken house that will help protect your chickens and the c...

7 Easy Tips for the Perfect Fried Chicken Recipe by Recipes Writer

There is no need to be an expert chef to get your fried chicken to come out just right. Discover the secrets and tricks experienced cooks use to get their fried chicken extra crispy on the outside, and soft and juicy on the inside. Fried chicken is commonly considered Southern fare; however the crispy appetizer is enjoyed the world-over. From olive-oil fried "healthy" versions in South Korea to the crunchy 'Chicken Chipees' of Australia, fried chicken has made it the world over as a popular finger food. For truly American fried chicken, there are 7 easy guidelines to follow for the perfect crispy finish. Spoil your family and guests with juicy chicken fried to golden perfection. 1. Easy receipe: Choosing the Chicken Avoid the common mistake of choosing pieces that are either too large or too small. Large cuts will result in the outside being over-fried and the inside remaining undercooked. Cuts that are too small will lose their juice quickly. Strive for the golden mi...

How to Cook Chicken Legs on the Grill by Ralph Serpe

Grilled chicken legs are not only a delicious summer meal, but they are also economical as legs are one of the cheapest parts of the chicken. Just because they are cheap, does not mean they have to lack in flavor. Actually, the dark meat of poultry has more flavor as it contains more fat. One of the biggest problems grilling enthusiasts face however is with cooking times and temperatures. One of the most frequently asked questions is: how long do you grill chicken legs? It really isn't possible to give an exact answer to this question as it really depends on the type of grill you are using, the grilling method and how big the chicken legs are. It really is an excellent idea to invest in a good quality cooking thermometer. I personally own a voice alert electronic thermometer. It really is a fantastic little cooking gadget and I would be lost without it. It is extremely accurate and eliminates all guessing, and guessing is not an option when cooking meat, especially chicken. CHICKEN...

A Vegetarian Diet - Lower the Chance of Heart Disease and Create a Healthy Digestive System by Bill Hansen

The well known saying 'we become what we eat' is generally true, as it has been established over and over again, that healthy people consume healthy foods. When we make the correction from eating meat to a vegetarian diet, our cholesterol levels drop, our body fat reading decreases, we are less likely to contract many types of cancers, the chances of having diabetes reduces, our blood pressure falls into a normal range and generally, our overall health and fitness improves. Moving towards a meat-free way of life has been shown statistically to decrease the occurrence of so many of the diseases of industrialized countries. A great benefit of a meat-free lifestyle is the plentiful supply of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts that assist in the prevention of certain cancers and also create a healthy digestive system. The majority of vegetarians who are genuine about changing the way they eat have also eliminated poultry from their daily ...

Good Nutrition Without Extreme Measures by Art Gib

There are two types of people in the world, those that are concerned about the health and well being and those that do not have any concern about their health and nutrition. On the one hand some people become fanatical about what they eat and how often they exercise, while on the other hand the extremists give no thought whatsoever to exercising or what they put into their bodies. The two extremes have radicals on either end to balance them out but closer to the middle of the road there a people that are concerned about proper dietary health and nutrition yet do not know how to go about starting a healthy regiment of diet and exercise. For people that are aware of their past eating habits and want to do something to start making small changes to their lifestyle without becoming an extremist there are many options available to help them get on to the path of healthier living. Nutritional supplements are an important first step in cleaning up the body and clearing out the toxins and free...

Methods Of Food Preservation by James Thompson

Preservation of food can done in many ways other than using a refrigerator and here we will look at some of these options. First let's ask ourselves a question. Why do need to preserve food? Well simply put food is essentially biological and was at one point alive and just like us when we die we start to degrade or rot. Some foodstuffs are seasonal so if we did not preserve them the majority of food would be wasted as most of it would become ripe to eat at the same time resulting in too much food at this point and none at others. Preservation processes must be non damaging to the food and non toxic to us so this narrows down the options. Drying works on the principle that bacteria needs water to grow so by removing the water the growth of bacteria which rots the food is slowed or even stopped. This is a long established method of preservation involving drying out the food using the sun, wind or possibly smoking. An added benefit of drying is that it hardens the surface or skin of t...

Healthy Choices at Seafood Restaurants by Art Gib

There are a lot of people who say that eating fish is a much healthier alternative to eating other types of meats. Especially if you are trying to watch your weight, you might have someone recommend that you eat more fish in your diet. The truth is that seafood is healthy for your body because it contains omega-3 fatty acids which help the body protect itself from heart disease. One thing you might not know is that there are all different kinds of fish for you to choose from and some fish are much healthier for you than others. This article will list a few of the different kinds of fish and then also give you some recommendations for how often you should have this particular fish in your diet. If you are looking to eat some of the common types of fish which are really popular in seafood restaurants, you will probably be ordering Alaskan salmon, Rainbow trout, U.S. farmed shrimp or bay scallops. These kinds of fish are healthy enough to eat about twice a week and they can do a lot of go...

Healthy Breakfast Ideas

A lot of studies and research has shown that kids who eat breakfast perform better in school and have a healthier diet. Eating breakfast will help promote the proper growth and maximize school performance as well. Breakfast is often times a victim of the morning time crunch. Even though you may be tempted to skip breakfast, you can simplify your morning routine by following these 8 tips: 1. Finish homework and pack school bags at night. 2. Decide on what your children will wear to school before you go to bed and locate lost shoes for the following day. 3. In the morning, get up 15 minutes earlier. 4. Give up computer games and morning television. 5. Have healthy foods on hand. You should also shop for breakfast foods with your kids and take into account their personal preferences. 6. Set the cereal out the night before. For younger children, fill a zippered plastic bag with her portion, then add the milk in the morning. 7. Allow your children to use the microwave often, as most breakf...

Homemade Chocolate Recipes for Health and Well-Being

Eating chocolate usually means steering away from a sensitive diet be it weight loss diet or any other "health-conscious" one. Homemade chocolate recipes can help dispel this myth. First of all, why chocolate has a negative image? Commercially made chocolate contains very little cocoa, the important and healthy ingredient of chocolate, lots of sugar, artificial flavors, coloring and preservatives. This is definitely not something a health-conscious individual would dream about. Even if you buy a chocolate that contains over 60% of cocoa, in most of the cases it is still loaded with other unwanted ingredients. Second, why we should include cocoa in a healthy diet? Cocoa contains lots of vitamins and minerals. It contains more antioxidants than red wine, for example. It has also mood-elevating properties that help combat depressions, mood swings and junk food cravings. So, it is not only a healthy food but can also help lose weight. Since it contains lots of fat, it should be c...
Healthy eating is a way of balancing the food you eat to keep your body in great health. With healthy eating, you'll have energy all day, get the vitamins and minerals you need, stay strong for activities you enjoy, and maintain a healthy weight. Below, you'll find tips designed to help you with healthy eating. 1. Don't skip any meals Eating 3 meals with snacks in between is the ideal way to maintain both energy and a healthy weight. When you skip meals and get hungry, you're more than likely to choose foods that aren't very good for you. If you are eating away from home, take food with you or know where you can buy healthy food from. 2. Learn about how to prepare foods Instead of deep frying, try grilling, stir frying, microwaving, baking, and even boiling. You should also try fresh or even dried herbs and spices to add flavor to your food. Before you eat any type of meat, be sure to trim the fat and skin off of it. 3. Avoid a lot of sugar Drinks that contain sugar...

Self Motivation for weight loss and healthy cooking

This article is a general one in that it wont give you facts and figures about weight loss, what programs work and don’t work and the best drugs to take for weight loss. This article is about self-motivation. Self-motivation is the main and underlying reason why a lot of people are over weight A lot of people can blame weight increase on metabolism not being the fastest or they went through a period of stress. This is all well and good and quite understandable. However, if you want to lose weight, having no motivation is what makes you keep the weight. Now we have all went through periods of mass gain weather it is a bit of a gut or an extreme case of gaining over 50 pounds. But to lose that weight growth, we need to motivate ourselves. One of the underlying reasons for weight gain is the extreme amount of fast food places. They are everywhere on corners, main streets and side streets. Its unbelievable, you can step outside your house, walk 5 minutes and get a kebab or a burger king. T...

Bread safety and quality

Bread is the food par excellence, the more widespread both in the world and in the common imaginary. If we think about food in general, the first one that comes in our mind is almost surely bread. Bread is a very simple aliment, made just of water, yeast, flour and salt. Although who tried to make bread at home, immediately has noticed that it is not easy at all to get good results. To make good bread, you need time and a lot of experience. Also for this reason, finding good bread, especially in some areas of Italy, is becoming harder. Bread is a kind of food that wastes away very quickly, generally it becomes too hard and so it is very hard to chew, or in the contrary because it becomes too gummy. To avoid these unpleasant surprises, it is always better to trust some food consortium, where you could certainly find goodquality products. One of the most sensible problems in this period is the one of food safety, regarding bread, the fresh one has no problems, because cooking temperature...

How to Cook Very Healthy Vegetables

We need to ensure that how we prepare them does not wash away vitamin contents and benefits of consumption. Overcooking can also break down the essential fiber which we need to clean our internal organs.Cooking vegetables can be complicated. Over cooking can make vegetables tasteless and mushy. My belief is that vegetables should not be boiled. Boiling not only robs us of vitamin content, it is the main culprit in turning vegetables to a lifeless, tasteless form. If we cannot boil, what are the options? Steaming vegetables is always a good choice. This will leave vegetables full of life and colour. They will be crisp and colorful. It will also not deplete the vegetables of their vitamin content. It is a speedy way of cooking too. By rule of thumb, vegetables will only need a few minutes in the steam. In some cases you may be able to steam your vegetables on the table and immediately serve them up. There is nothing so delicious as a selection of just-cooked steamed vegetables on the din...

Eating Healthy On Vacation

It can be very tempting to abandon your good sense of healthy eating on vacation. Although you may strive for healthy eating, it's easy to drift off and grab an ice cream cone here and there. There are however, ways to watch what you eat on vacation. It's easier than ever these days to request a low fat or vegetarian meal on airplane flights. If you choose to instead drive to your destination, the quest to find healthy food can get a bit more complicated. Rather than simply relying on greasy foods for nutrition, pack some nutritious foods in a cooler full of ice packs. Fruits and vegetables, crackers, yogurt, and sandwiches are all great to have with you on the road. Once you arrive at your hotel, you should do yourself a favor and turn the minibar key down - as this helps to avoid the temptation. If your hotel offers a continental breakfast, stick to fruits, cereals, and proteins. If your hotel has a stove or microwave, consider bringing your own healthy food with you. If you ...

What Do You Eat ?

his is a simple question, but may not be that simple to many people. This question should be asked by a doctor when he or she sees a patient. When an individual goes to see a doctor, that individual may have a health issue, and it is the responsibility of the doctor to find out if there is any connection between the patient's diet and the health issue in question. Healthy eating is healthy living: healthy eating focuses on the nutritive value of food to eliminate many health problems in life. What do you eat? Many people simply don't know what they are eating, or can hardly recall what they were eating even only a short while ago. If you ask someone in a fast food restaurant about the food he or she is eating, that person may not be able to tell you much about that food being consumed. At best, that person may be able to say the food is not very healthy, but may not be able to explain why is is not healthy. It is not surprising that people know little about food. They just eat ...