Bedung Pendowo Purworejo

Purworejo is a historic town, many attractions that we can find in this town. One of the important legacy that is "Bedug Pendowo" which is located in the Great Mosque in Purworejo, in the middle of the city center. "Bedhug Pendowo" size is very large, and is the largest bedug in southeast asia. Napkin often met with in the "Kiai Bagelen". That's interesting Bedug Pendowo this year is pembuatannya namely in the year 1832-1840, namely the government's first Regent Purworejo Raden Cokronegoro which means I was around 170 years. Bedug Pendowo is also bedug in Indonesia and even in Southeast Asia. Bedug is made of teak with gelondongan full length 2.92 m and 1.94 m. berdiameter
Many tourists and in the Foreign Affairs visited to view.
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