
Krakatau region into Krakatau Lampung Province is located in the Sunda, between Java and Sumatra, is known and well recorded in history since 16 century
At that time the Sunda lalulintas path has become a bustling business from Europe (Netherlands, UK, and other sebaginya) to the East Indies (Indonesia).
Selat Sunda century modern play an important role as the business traffic as well as field research geology and marine science. Krakatau first period (Ancient) estimated to have a height of 2000 meters and the radius of 9 km2. Dahsyatnya explosion has occurred at the time of pre-history of 416 years recorded in ancient books jawa "Pustaka Raja", leaving the 3 islands
• Pulau Rakata
• Island Sertung.
• Long Island
Rakata in the development of the next issue of peak-peak:
• Peak Danan.
• The top act.
Krakatau tremendous explosion that occurred on the date 27 August 1883 was the 3 / 4 the body. This explosion caused huge waves reached a height of 40 meters. A ship part (A stemship anchored) from the port of Teluk Betung terlempar has 2.5 km far away and brought to the lower part of the River Kuripan. Batunya gray and rain reached the area of 300,000 square miles or 483 square kilometers in radius of 150 sq km
At that time, Jakarta (Batavia) and the area around the Sunda as Anyer, Merak, Labuan, Kalianda, Bay City Court Betung and become darkness. Voters hear from Philippine blast, Alice Springs, Rodriques Island and Madagascar. Ledakannya strength is estimated to reach 21,547.6 time atomic bomb explosion.
Apart from that, the rain ash explosion terhalangnya cause this view to the sun, a scene so spectacular that the withdrawal sun hilang.Setelah rest almost 44 years, Son of Krakatau appeared in December 1927 and continues to develop at this time
Now you can come here and find menapakkan feet carefully with mineral materials, such as:
Volcanic bomb •
• Lava
• Lappili
from the earth in the terlempar up the process and the establishment Krakatau ledakannya stunning that history has been recorded in the now invite you to come and perform scientific research or just for recreation.
Anak Krakatau at this time has reached a height of 200 meters above sea level with a diameter of 2 kilometers. To visit Krakatau You can menyebrang's Canti di Kalianda, one hour drive from Bandar Lampung, and the ber 'motor boat' from there you can go to the area Krakatau.
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