
Indoor Gas Grill For Year Round Grilling Goodness by Robert Hull

Most people believe that a gas grill would be convenient to use for outdoor cooking such as in the backyard or in the patio where the rest of the family or your guests could gather around. But there are certain times of the year, such as during winter, wherein this isn't possible. An indoor gas grill will provide the best solution for this dilemma, such that you can enjoy grilled food anytime of the year. The most important thing you need to remember, before you are even tempted to do so, you are not allowed to take your outdoor grill and take it to your home for indoor use. This is not allowed even if you transport it onto your garage. This is due to the release of massive amount of carbon monoxide by gas grills, which can be fatal. Although this bit of advice might seem obvious for some, there are still many who practice this in their home. You can proceed onto your local supply or appliance store, or even online so you can pick from a wide selection of indoor gas grills. If you ...

Cooking for Company by Frank Thomas

Have you ever had to worry about cooking for a bunch of friends? It can be a daunting task. My wife and I have hosted several Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners where we will have close to thirty guests. Let me tell you, that the rules to cooking change when you have more than four or five visitors. Here are some tips to help you when you are about to have a household full of company. Know how much of each thing a guest will eat. Either you or your spouse will probably have a pretty good idea on how much food your family normally eats. The trick here is to take the ingredients and multiply it by the guests you are going to have. For example, our family of five will normally eat about seven medium sized potatoes in a meal. If we were to have 25 people show up, I would multiply that number by five and add it to the potatoes I'd normally use, for a sum of 42 potatoes. Then I would toss in just a couple more for good measure. Extra food can go home with guests or saved up for tomorrows...

A New Way to Cook a Delicious Turkey by Roger Walker

I wanted to talk to you about a new way for you to cook a delicious turkey. If you think back to any of your Thanksgiving days you probably remember your family sitting around eating a delicious baked turkey. But I want to talk to you about a much different approach that you might not be aware of. Deep frying isn't a concept that we associate with good cooking. You might associate it with a depraved desire for something greasy, but we don't view it as good cooking. What you might not be aware of is that you can deep fry a turkey and produce a delicious bird. You're probably wondering how you can go about cooking a turkey this way because it sounds complicated. It isn't exactly complicated, but you're not going to have the equipment lying around the house for something like this. You need a rather large pot full of oil to cook a bird of this size and as you can guess it is going to take a lot of energy to heat up the amount of oil to cook an entire turkey. You typica...

How To Get The Best Taste From Herbs by Sandy Y

How Much To Use: Gourmet cookery is achieved when you figure ¼ teaspoon dried herbs for each four servings. This the measure for the famous "pinch" of herbs and spices. How To Use: Before adding the measured amount of the herb, crush it in the palm of one hand, using the fingertips of your other hand. This permits the speedy release of the flavor. When To Use: Here is a secret of culinary chefs: cooked foods are flattered (there include stews, soups, sauce) if you add the selected herbs during the last hour of cooking. Raw foods (such as salad dressing, fruits, vegetables, raw juices) are enhanced if you add the selected herbs as long before serving as possible. Give raw foods plenty of time to "marry" the herbal flavors and become supercharged with wondrous taste. When Herbs Should Not Be Used: Be selective. Just one herb course to a meal is sufficient. A meal in which every dish is herb-treated can become a disaster. So even though several herbs do go well togethe...

Secrets to Saving Money - Buy Whole Chickens

When it comes to buying chicken, today's supermarket gives us so many choices. You can by breasts, thighs, wings, legs, individually frozen, in value packages, pre-cooked, pre-flavored, boneless or skinless varieties. I may have even missed one selection but my point is that there are so many choices out there it can make you dizzy. If you're a family on a budget, you can really benefit buying chickens whole versus buying chickens packaged in individual pieces. Whole Chickens Keep Longer I can guarantee you on any given day that if you take a whole chicken packaged on the same date as a package of chicken cut in to individual pieces, the whole chicken will remain fresher, longer. For one, a whole chicken is minimally processed. Chicken that is pre cut and pre packaged has passed through several hands and or machines and more of the meat and flesh is exposed to air, thus advancing spoilage. Buying a whole chicken guarantees minimal processing and less exposure to the elements. G...

Rice Cooker Reviews - Zojirushi, Panasonic, Tatung by Robin OBrien

If you have spent any time reading through the top rice cooker reviews, there are three brand names that you are undoubtedly more than familiar with. While the kitchen appliance market may be saturated right now with various products within many different price ranges, there are a few industry leaders which have emerged from the crowd with particular models that outshine the rest, hands down. The Zojirushi RIZO rice cooker has received a lot of talk in Japan, the United States and around the world. The brand's newest model has a very sleek, elegant stainless steel design that has been noted as a trendsetter. The RIZO Micom rice cooker has a very convenient LCD clock and timer on the front and is equipped with a spherical heating element which heats from all directions for very even cooking patterns. It will even reheat the warmed rice to the perfect serving temperature! With four different settings, it is capable of cooking every type of rice just perfectly. A similar model is the ...

Kuhn Rikon vs WMF Pressure Cooker - Which is Best? by Robin OBrien

If you are on the market for a top of the line pressure cooker you actually do have some options available to you - especially if you are willing to pay considerable more. In looking for a top of the line brand for your own home you do want to keep in mind that Kuhn Rikon and WMF pressure cookers are among the best on the market. In considering Kuhn Rikon and WMF appliances you will find that both of these stainless steel pressure cookers share the same features. This includes similarity in cooking options and related functionality. In other words, both companies offer some more basic models as well as some other more feature heavy options. Therefore, if you want a basic appliance for preparing family meals, both manufacturers have products that will fit the bill. Additionally, if you have more diverse or even complicated cooking objectives, both of these manufacturers can also fill the bill. However, there are some differences between Kuhn Rikon and WMF. But, there are more similariti...